The Latest News


It’s that time of year! ☺️ String up those lights and let’s see some holiday cheer! Judging will be taking place between December 16th till Christmas Day. 
REMINDER: Only 2024-25 current year OCMPOA members are eligible for the cash prizes. Please contact Debra Tompkins at 512-282-2380 to check the status or update your membership. Membership form also attached.

2024 Christmas lighting contest information


The Spring, 2024 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! Click here to read it online!

Remember the Earth Day Neighborhood Cleanup is this Saturday, April 27th, from 8 am to 4 pm….full details in the newsletter…


Here is the flyer for the upcoming neighborhood wide yard sale! October 14th, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Contact Karen Jellison (info below) if you’d like to participate…

Community Yard Sale October 14th, 8 am - 2 pm. Contact Karen Jellison if you'd like to participate.


The September, 2023 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! Click here to read it online!


The April, 2023 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! Click here to read it online! There’s information concerning this weekend’s neighborhood cleanup, as well as the announcement of the neighborhood’s annual meeting May 21st…


Click the image below to open the Community Town Hall agenda…

Community Town Hall September 22, 2022


The Membership Forms linked from the Important Information and Links section have been updated!


The May, 2022 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! Click here to read it online!


The Spring 2022 Meet & Greet is just around the corner!

2022 Spring Meet & Greet Flyer


The Fall/Winter, 2021 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! (Pardon the tardiness.) Click here to read it online!


The Spring 2021 edition of the OCMPOA newsletter has been published! Click here to read it online!


The December edition of the OCMPOA newsletter is out! Click here to read it online!


Poll Results So Far…

These are the current voting results from our recent online poll:

Deed Restrictions Amendment #1: “Restricting Short-term Rentals (i.e. AirBnB/HomeAway)” Insert the following new restriction before current restriction #6:
Of 68 responses: 63% YES 36% NO

Deed Restrictions Amendment #2: “Allowing ownership of chickens for non-commercial use” Update language of current restriction #6:
Of 68 responses: 80% YES 19% NO

72 % support updating deed restrictions in future to allow mother in law or guest suites.

74% support updating deed restrictions in future to allow work from home as long as it doesn’t bring traffic into neighborhood.

Currently our Deed Restrictions ALLOW RVs to be used as a secondary residence on our lots (though not mobile homes).
34% – This is fine.
30% – We should restrict use of RVs as a residence, though still allow parking.
27% – We should restrict use of RVs AND not allow parking if a home has not yet been built.


ATTENTION: Online Voting for Deed Restrictions, By-Laws and Board Elections

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and its impact on all of our lives, OCMPOA is currently evaluating a number of changes. Late last year (before the pandemic), the board decided to approach the issue of revising both our Deed Restrictions and By-Laws to adjust to changing trends and evolving issues in our neighborhood. With this pandemic we must now consider additional changes as well.

In January 2020, the Board approved a door-to-door canvas to occur during the early spring weeks which unfortunately was cancelled due to COVID-19. This would have served to gather interest in our community, provide greater awareness of the Neighborhood Watch Program and gather votes for the updated Deed Restrictions.

Since we cannot do this in person, we would like to hear directly from every property owner in the neighborhood. An online voting link has been setup at: This voting includes updates to our Deed Restrictions and By-Laws, as well as elections for officers to the Board. The Deed Restrictions vote is open to ALL homeowners in the neighborhood, regardless of OCMPOA membership. The elections for officers of the Board are restricted only to members of OCMPOA, but we would like to encourage everyone to renew or join if you haven’t before. In order to change a Deed Restriction, we must have 51% of homeowner’s votes for the change, which means we would need 126 votes in order to change a restriction. So your vote is truly important! We will announce an update of the votes at our Virtual Annual Meeting which is scheduled for Sunday, July 26th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

NOTE: We must have your email address to send you the link for our upcoming Virtual Annual Meeting, so make sure you give us your email address when you vote. A link to the meeting will be emailed to you Sunday morning.

Please go to this link and VOTE!!!


The summer edition of the OCMPOA newsletter is out! Click here to read it online!


The newest edition of the OCMPOA newsletter is out! Click here to read it online!


Attention! Manchaca Community Meeting Wed July 10th 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Manchaca Fire and Rescue 665 FM 1626 with special guest County Commissioner Precinct #3 Gerald Daugherty
The 2019 OCMPOA Annual Meeting was a smashing success! Thanks to everyone who came out to have some food, hear some music, and most importantly, discuss issues of importance to our neighborhood. We had no guest speakers this year, but we expect to have a special meeting called soon to feature a guest or two.
Members of our board discussed items impacting us currently, such as the Bear Creek Crossing and Estancia  developments, as well as concerns over increased traffic making it harder to enter and exit Onion Creek Meadows. We brought up the possibility of another “Onion Creek Meadows” sign, to be placed at the Turley Drive entrance to OCM. We also discussed our neighborhood watch program and solicited more volunteers.
Thanks to everybody who showed up for the meeting, especially including those who renewed (or began!) their memberships in the association. We’ll have more information for you soon concerning the above-mentioned special meeting.
Coming up! It’s the:
OCMPOA Annual Meeting
Sunday, May 5th, 2019 2:00-4:00 p.m.
13206 Easley Drive
We invite everyone in the neighborhood to come out for our Annual Meeting. It’s a great opportunity to:
• Find out what’s happening in Onion Creek Meadows and surrounding areas
• Meet your neighbors and your Board Members
• Renew your membership or become a new member
• Opportunity to join a committee and get involved
• Give suggestions, ideas and express concerns
• Discuss purchasing another Onion Creek Meadows neighborhood sign to be placed at Turley and Old San Antonio Road
County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty has been invited to address:
* Roads—Twin Creeks Drive, Old San Antonio Rd, FM 1626, SH45
* Subdivisions—Estancia phases 2 & 3, Bear Creek Crossing
* Street Lights—Intersection of FM 1626 & Old San Antonio
The OCMPOA Board Annual Meeting will be held in the back yard of the Jellison residence, instead of the Manchaca Fire Station and make it an Annual Meeting and a Fun Neighborhood Get-Together!
• We’ll have Grilled Hot Dogs, Chips, Watermelon, Cookies and Bottled Water
• Bring your own lawn chair or blanket
• Musical jam after the meeting, so bring your instrument!
• No pets allowed please
So, come on out and join us! We look forward to meeting the new neighbors and seeing the ones that have been here a while. This is truly a great neighborhood and we welcome you to help us make it even better!
See ya’ there!
OCMPOA Board Members


And (drum roll, please) here are the winners of this year’s Holiday Lighting Contest (and what they won):

1st Place                13100 Easley Dr.                    Susie & Shirley Verhoef            $150
2nd Place              13410 Onion Creek Dr.         Justin & Tavia Hrobovsky         $100
3rd Place               13427 Onion Creek Dr.         Jamie & Kim Zeringue               $75
Hon. Mention       105 Bermuda                         Shaun Reade                                                              $20 paid OCMPOA annual membership fee

Thanks to everybody who participated this year!!!


We’ve added the latest OCMPOA newsletter to the website. Click here to check it out…read all about this year’s Holiday Lighting Contest!


Thanks to everybody who attended the annual meeting this year! And thanks if you renewed your annual membership or perhaps just joined OCMPOA. Your board looks forward to serving you this year. We will keep you posted of any events or changes as the information becomes available.

We have two new board members to introduce: Beverly Hetrick, who will serve as Secretary, and John Van Mater, who will serve as an at-large board member. Kelle Villarreal has stepped up to take the Treasurer position. We’d like to extend our thanks to Temple Gossett for her board service.

See you around the neighborhood!


Here’s info about the upcoming annual meeeting….a little different this time…keeping it in the neighborhood!

OCMPOA Annual Meeting & Chuck Wagon Gathering Sunday, May 6th, 2018, 2-4 pm, 13206 Easley Dr.


We have a new OCMPOA newsletter to share with you! Click here to check it out….


Click here to view the latest newsletter from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office!


The latest issue of the OCMPOA newsletter is online now. Click here to view it!


Tennis, Anyone?

From neighbor Louis Castillo:

We are looking for someone that is interested in playing doubles several times a week. The age is irrevelant and can be female/male, and we can play at the Akins High School courts or on the court at 13102 Easley Drive, Manchaca, TX. Circumstances determine whether we play in the morning or afternoon.
Please call Louis at (512) 282-3335 or (512) 796-4329.


Neighborhood Garage Sale – June 3, 2017

Saturday, June 3 at 7:30 am is set for what has now become a biennial Onion Creek Meadows event. In case of rain, the sale will be postponed to June 10th. Each household is encouraged to participate by selling your unwanted items from your own driveway. Several publications such as the Statesman, Austin Chronicle, Hays Free Press and Craigslist will carry advertising in the preceding days. We now have sharp-looking signs that will be posted at intersections along Old San Antonio Rd, Twin Creeks, 1626, and Buda nearing the neighborhood.
Take advantage of the free advertising! (Adjacent neighborhoods and individuals, too!)
Start collecting your items now and spread the word!
Love this rain but cross your fingers for a dry garage sale!


OCMPOA Board member Lance Farley met with Bear Creek Crossing contractor Royce Rippy and 204 Turley Dr. (currently vacant lot) owner Jarrod Gaither to discuss the impending development bordering our neighborhood to the north and the emergency access road connecting to Turley Dr. that Travis county has asked for.

Lance learned that construction will begin on the development in about 30 days. There will be a second phase of the development begun in about 18 months that will include lots backing up to our northernmost Turley Drive properties. The emergency access road will be built on the half of the previously-vacated easement included in Mr. Gaither’s property and will be approximately 25-30 feet wide. The road is supposed to be gated and locked at the north end (bordering Bear Creek Crossing) and is only to be used for emergency vehicle access to Bear Creek Crossing. Lance received assurance from Mr. Rippy that Bear Creek Crossing construction vehicles would not be using the road. Mr. Rippy also stated that Bear Creek Crossing’s HOA would be responsible for maintenance of the road. A more complete plan of the development, showing the bordering to our neighborhood, can be found by clicking here and scrolling down about halfway through the .pdf.

Once the emergency access road has been completed, Mr. Gaither plans to build a home on the 204 Turley lot and put it up for sale.

Again, as further details are known, Lance will update this website with them.


Annual Meeting time! Join your neighbors for an opportunity to stay informed and make decisions about our community!

When: Sunday, May 7, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Where: Manchaca VFD Meeting Room, 665 FM 1626


The new OCMPOA newsletter is out! Click here to view/download it.


Reduce Reuse Recycle - Onion Creek Meadows POA invites you to join us in an Earth Day Neighborhood Cleanup

2/22/2017 – Bear Creek Crossing (formerly Cebolla Creek) development news:

The Travis County Zoning & Platting Commission met Tuesday, February 21st, and the Bear Creek Crossing construction plan was submitted for approval. It passed. The development is slated to be directly north of and bordering Turley Drive.

Click here to view the complete meeting agenda.

Click here to view a copy of the construction plan, along with the county’s findings.

Board member Lance Farley will continue to update the website concerning the progress of this development.

2/14/2017 – Welcome to the new OCMPOA website!

2/7/2017 – Bear Creek Crossing (formerly Cebolla Creek) development news:

Board member Lance Farley talked with Joe Arriaga, the county case worker for the  development last week. Mr. Arriaga said that Royce Rippy has submitted the construction plan, and the plan is going before the Zoning & Platting Commission at their meeting Tueday, February 21st. The meeting is open to the public at 301 W. 2nd St.

Bear Creek Crossing is a development slated for the 70-acre property between Twin Creek Road and Onion Creek Meadows to the north, bordering our Turley Drive properties from 208 Turley Dr., west to Onion Creek Drive. Click on the links below for previous updates given to us by our neighbor, Ron Ralph…who was keeping us updated on the situation. Thanks, Ron!

Cebolla Creek Flyer
Cebolla Creek Development News
1/29/2015 Update on Cebolla Creek

The OCMPOA Facebook page is up and running!

You can find it at OR by clicking on the above image. If you “like” the page, you’ll receive all updates in your feed.

This is a great place to share news, photos, events, etc. with your neighbors as well as keep up with news from the Board.

Look forward to seeing you online!

Trudy Richards



P.O. BOX 434
MANCHACA, TX. 78652,


If you are interested in reporting or receiving information about unusual or suspicious activity in the Onion Creek Meadows area, be sure your email address is on This is a free service available to anyone living in Onion Creek Meadows. Your email address will not be shared with anyone else.

Click here for the Close Patrol Form
This form is one that the Sheriff’s Office uses to inform Patrol Officers when residents in their patrol area are out of town and to keep an eye on their property. Once submitted, Karen Valdez of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office will contact you to confirm details.
Click here for additional information on Neighborhood Watch Programs

Onion Creek Meadows Yahoo Group: Neighborhood Forum!

Here is a useful forum to share your neighborhood news directly neighbor-to-neighbor, such as offering free or for-sale items, sharing seeds and plants, locating lost (or found) pets or other items, asking questions about area concerns, and making announcements or sharing information you think others might be interested in. Anyone living in Onion Creek Meadows and its surrounding neighborhoods is welcome to join and post messages and pictures. The site is monitored for content and appropriateness by two moderators. Just send your request to join with your email address to: